Industry: Consulting and Coaching
Job title: Agile Coach and Founder
Here is what Julien had to share after his experience participating in a Surdek retreat.
I signed up for the retreat for both personal and professional reasons. My role as a coach often gives me the chance to support managers and leaders in organizations. For a little while, I was looking to get inspiration from practices from my peers and renew my own coaching practices.
On the personal front, I wanted to take a moment of reflection outside of my day-to-day life, free from the daily grind to take a closer look at myself.
I would say that I came out rested, appeased and recentered around my personal and professional motivations. The retreat allowed me to better understand the link between my intentions and the impact provoked by my actions, which is constantly useful for me in my dual role of coach and trainer.
I came out more aware of the impact that I have on the people surrounding me and my ability to support them in the development of their full potential.
This awareness makes it possible for me to affirm and assume my leadership with a love of others that was unknown to me before the retreat. I think I can say that I managed to better ground my leadership in a more cohesive way.
I understood what motivates my leadership and how to align my intentions and the impact of my actions.
On the professional front, I came out with a lot of new coaching tools and a renewed capacity for deep listening. Being able to watch Steffan coach a group live in this kind of context allowed me to unblock something for myself. I realized that I was not giving myself permission to be completely myself and in the moment when I coach a group. Since the event, I feel freer to be myself and I have been practicing this skill more and more.
On the personal front, I was able to rest both my head and my heart to come out a more loving father and spouse. Just goes to show how not answering your cell phone and taking a few days for yourself can create a feeling of well-being.
The retreat allowed me to become aware that leadership is for me a way to give back and support the people around me, clients as well as the people I am close to.
If I were talking to a friend about the event, I would tell him about the inner peace that came over me when I arrived at the site of the retreat. A country setting just domesticated enough to receive the urban beast that I am and offer me a pause.
Add to that the skilled way our host received us and how it set the table for healthy introspection. Essentially, you end up finding yourself going to a banquet that whets your appetite for real rejuvenation.