Here is how you can build capacity on your teams!

Co-creative leaders build capacity on their teams to develop their people, increase their teams’ maturity levels and create sustainable change.

Steffan Surdek
July 5, 2017
Skill three

About Co-Creative Leadership

A few years ago, I was delivering a presentation at a local user group meeting. During the question and answer period, I went off on a little rant on leadership challenges I see in at clients.

That rant spawned an article you will find on this site called "The Silent Leadership Crisis". For me, it was the first time that I put tangible words around the leadership mindset I coach my clients towards. I call this mindset Co-creative leadership.

In the fall of 2016, I joined the Forbes Coaches Council. I decided to use their platform to talk more about co-creative leadership. The first article I wrote for Forbes was "Why leaders need to get more co-creative". You will see that I republished the article here as well.

I am very passionate about it and I incorporate this leadership mindset in everything that I do. From when I work with my own team to when I deliver Management 3.0 courses. It is also my approach when working with clients as well and the direction I coach the leaders to be.

Co-creative leaders build capacity on their teams!

In February 2017, I gave a talk at a leadership conference called: "The five key skills of a co-creative leader". I based the content of the talk on a guest blog I wrote called "5 Skills Co-Creative Leaders Need to Know". The audio from this video comes from the recording of this presentation.

Feel free to reach out to chat about co-creative leadership! We can also talk about having me speak at your next event!